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Canon ir 1023 driver

broken image
broken image

It prints on the local computer and also on the network computer just fine. Long story short, the 1023iF is not getting recognized by Windows as a 1023if but a 1025 (based on drivers 1020, 1024, 1025 package instead of the 1018,1022, 1023 package). I've been a tech for this company for over 10 years, have restored Windows time and time again with no issues and have yet to have run into such a garbage issue that has stumped me to this point. Currently in her office she has a 1025iF and a 1023iF (1023 is her main, 1025 is on her other 2 computers desk) so I'm fairly knowledgable handling the software and installation of these. Hey everyone, I'm having a heck of a time installing a iR1023iF onto one of my customer's office computers.